September 21, 2023
#getting-started #time-blocking

What’s the difference between a task due date vs a scheduled task

Marketing @ Morgen

Morgen considers due dates and do dates as two different elements of task management. One is all about when that task must be completed, while the other defines when the task will be worked on.

Why do we distinguish between due and do dates?

As a time blocking tool, Morgen is designed to make it easier to plan and protect the time needed to complete important tasks. A due date is an important piece of information in that planning, so you can take into account when the work needs to be completed.

However, some tasks can be completed last minute, while for others you may want to build in buffer time or block multiple work sessions to tackle them.

For that reason, we don’t consider the time you block to work on tasks as when they are due vs when you will work on them.  

How are due dates visible in Morgen

If you want a quick view of what is either coming up due or already overdue, you will see three task lists at the top of your task panel based on due dates. Overdue, Today, and Upcoming show you what tasks may need your urgent attention.

Select which featured task lists you would like at the top of your task manager to draw your attention to what's due soon (or already).

You can opt to remove Today and/or Upcoming from your view if you would like (note that Upcoming are those tasks due in the next week) from the task management dropdown.  

You will also see a due date listed below each task in your task lists if set.

However, these lists will not take into account the timing scheduled for tasks. So a task without a due date, but for which you had scheduled work time yesterday and did not complete it, will not appear in your Overdue list.  

How will scheduled dates be shown

When you schedule a task, by default you will now see it in your calendar only. If you would like to see it in your task list as well, simply select Show Scheduled Tasks from the task menu. These tasks will now be displayed with a calendar icon. (Recurrent tasks also have a circular arrow overlaying this calendar.)

Tune your task list settings by deciding whether to include scheduled tasks.

You will be notified of upcoming scheduled tasks in the same way as events in your calendar: they will appear in your menu bar and mobile widgets, and will trigger notifications based on your notification settings.  

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