With Morgen tasks, you can set up unlimited task lists and organize them how it makes the most sense to you.
In addition to the task lists you’ve created, Morgen has four additional lists that are pinned to the top of your Morgen task manager by default: Inbox, Upcoming, Today, and Overdue.
Your inbox is the catchall for tasks that don’t live in any other task list. These tend to be ones are scheduled in the calendar directly. When adding a task in your calendar, you can select which task list it should be associated with, but if you don’t by default, it lives in your Inbox.
You can add tasks to your inbox in the task panel as well if you have tasks that don’t logically live anywhere else. Do so by clicking on the + that appears next to Inbox when you hover over it to open a field for a new task.
Note that your inbox won’t be listed at the top of your task panel if there is nothing in it.
This might be the list we like to look at least, but it’s helpful reminder of all tasks for which an assigned due date have passed. If you don’t see an Overdue list pinned to the top of your task panel, congrats! That means you have no past due tasks right now. The list will only appear when it is populated.
Note that we consider tasks to be overdue when the due date has passed. If a task is scheduled in your calendar, this is not considered it’s due date, but rather scheduled time to work on it. So even if you had a scheduled task yesterday that was not marked as complete, it will not appear in your Overdue list (unless it also had due date assigned that was also in the past).
Your Today list compiles your tasks from across your lists that are due today. Like Overdue, this is based on the task’s due date and not when/if they are scheduled to be worked on today. If you change the due date to another day, the task will shift out of Today.
The Today list is optional. If you don’t want to see it, you can turn it off from the Task Manager Settings. If you keep it turned on, but have no tasks due today, it won’t appear.
Like the Today list, Upcoming compiles tasks from across your lists that are due in the next 7 days. It also is based on due date and not scheduled date.
You can decide to turn off your Upcoming list in the task manager settings. If you opt to keep it and Today, Upcoming will only show tasks due during the remainer of the weekly, excluding today. If you have Today turned off, it will show all tasks due in the next 7 days. Finally, if you have no tasks due in the upcoming week, the list will not appear at all.
One final note if you have task integrations
The lists above do not compile tasks from across all your task integrations. Those are maintained as distinct, in each tab of tasks.