Wondering what's next?

Your tasks time blocked by the AI Planner.

Morgen generates daily plans that prioritize tasks that matter to you. Plans span all parts of your life, recommending when to protect time for work deliverables, life to-dos, creative pursuits, and more.

  • Time blocked plans are based on Morgen Priority Factor, your capacity, and how you work best
  • Simultaneously generate personal, work, and side hustle plans across multiple calendars
  • Consolidate and prioritize tasks from multiple tools including Notion, ClickUp, Todoist, and more
A calendar time blocked using Morgen AI Planner.

Your ideal ordinary week

Frame your ideal week to template when tasks should be scheduled.

You know how you work best, how you want to invest your time, and the intensity level at which you thrive. Capture it in Frames. Daily plans are recommended for each Frame.

  • Devote each Frame to a category of task using custom filters (tags, task source, projects, etc.)
  • Set custom recurring patterns for each Frame
  • Get notified of approaching deadlines
Frame your idea week in your calendar based on how you work best.

Get proactive assistance

Get notified when a conflict arises and rectify it in one click

Plans change, things come up. AI Planner can easily adapt your schedule as disruptions arise.

  • AI Planner alerts you to conflicts and can reprioritize your plan in one-click
  • Be reminded of previously scheduled incomplete tasks so nothing is left forgotten
  • AI Planner evaluates your capacity to highlight any tasks that are unscheduled and at risk of being late
Get notified when a conflict happens and rectify it in one click

Achievable plans that keep you on track

Time blocking is hard because most of us overestimate our capacity and underestimate how long tasks take. AI Planner removes human error and designs achievable and sustainable plans.

Designed for you

Guide AI Planner with Frames with your power hours, interruption-peaks, and goals in mind.

Pad time estimates

Enable AI Planner to round up time estimates by 20% for more realistic and achievable daily plans.

Split big tasks

Allow AI Planner to divide long hard tasks into multiple work sessions for improved focus.

Plan for breaks

Choose your intensity level to set the frequency of breaks during long work sessions.

Stay in control of your daily plans

Easily adjust the recommended daily plan.

Our suggested plans are only scheduled with your approval. Preview the plan and make adjustments.

  • Use quick toggles and sliders to easily tune your plan as it's generated
  • Add or ignore tasks, move Frames, adjust time estimates, and more
  • Plan 1-7 days at a time  
Easily adjust the recommended daily plan to work for you.

Your personalized daily plans await

The AI Planner will continue to evolve. Visit our roadmap to see what’s coming next and share your feature requests for how you want AI-planning to evolve in Morgen.


Frequently asked questions

How does the AI Planner prioritize my tasks?
The Morgen Priority Factor surfaces important tasks based on priority levels, due dates, time estimates, and more.

The AI Planner uses this information, in conjunction with your available capacity and the filters you apply to your Frames when suggesting your time blocked plan.
Can I use the AI Planner without Frames?
You can run AI Planner without Frames, but those plans tend to be less realistic and optimal.

With Frames, AI Planner only suggests tasks at the times you want time blocked. Frames are the guiding template for when your time should be planned and how you want to devote each work session.

We recommend reflecting on how you work best when you create your Frames. If early mornings are your power hours, afternoons are ripe with interruptions, and you want to schedule some evenings to pursue your learning goals while others should be left unblocked, template that with Frames. The filters you apply guide the AI Planner to isolate the right types of tasks at the optimal time.
What tasks does the AI Planner schedule?
AI Planner can schedule Morgen tasks, as well as tasks coming from integrated to-do apps and project management tools. This includes tasks from Notion, Todoist, Linear, ClickUp, Obsidian, Microsoft To Do, Google Tasks, and more.
The AI Planner interprets the metadata from each task sources to prioritize your schedule.
Learn more about our integrations.
Can I still manually time block in Morgen?
Yes, you can continue to drag and drop tasks into your calendars as you always have.
This can be done in conjunction with the AI Planner to manually adjust recommended plans or schedule tasks outside of Frames, or managed entirely by you.
Does the AI Planner update the plan as event come up?
The AI Planner will not schedule tasks in conflict with the events in your calendar. While in planning mode, if you add an event, the plan will shuffle around it.
However, once your plan has been scheduled, when new events conflict with scheduled tasks, you will receive a notification of the conflict. With one click, you can direct AI Planner to reschedule the task when you're available.
Where can I share feedback on the AI Planner?
Morgen's AI Planner is currently in Beta. We're continuously iterating on it and your feedback will help us prioritize what to work on next.
You can vote on or create feature requests in our roadmap, join the conversation in our Discord server, or send us a message at connect@morgen.so.
Thank you for helping us make Morgen better.