Linear x Morgen

Find the focused time you need to complete your Linear issues.

Track and time-block your Linear issues in any calendar, to protect and prioritize time for deep work. Use Morgen on your own or with your team.
Linear now integrates with Morgen for seamless planning and time blocking.
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Integrate Any Calendar

Pair Linear with all calendars

Morgen connects with all your calendars.

Whether you use Outlook, Apple, Google, Exchange, Fastmail, a niche CalDAV, or a mix there of, you can connect them all to Morgen.

This isn't just a calendar view for Linear.

  • See your Linear issues alongside your calendar
  • Drag and drop issues into your calendar for effortless time blocking
  • Time blocks are added to your connected calendars, defending planned work time from double bookings
Connect Linear to all your calendars.
Configured Your Way

Flexibly configured by you

Set the integration to work just the way you want it to.

When you integrate Linear and Morgen, you configure the integration, deciding:

  • which workspaces and issues to integrate
  • how your issues should be grouped and sorted
  • what info is imported (due dates, priorities, estimates, cycles, etc.)
Configure the Linear integration to import the issues, workspaces, and properties that will help you plan your work.
Use Morgen Together

Optimize team time

Mark a task complete in Morgen and it will sync the status in Notion.

When your team uses Morgen together,  you can enable teammates to see when one another are busy/free, making it easier to respect scheduled time blocks.

Plus, turn on the Team Meeting Optimizer to automatically reschedule flexible meetings in a way that opens more work time for everyone.

Use Morgen and Linear together as a team to open more time for focused work.

Advanced Time Blocking

Software teams require uninterrupted focused time to tackle cognitively challenging tasks. Time blocking is one of the most effective ways to protect that time.

Available on Mobile

Our Android and iOS apps and widgets let you know what to tackle next, time block new tasks, and mark issues complete while on the go.

Add more sessions

Not every issue fits in one time block. Schedule multiple sessions for large or complex tasks with a simple copy/paste.

Mark it Free or Busy

Set important time blocks as busy to protect that time from being double booked.

Select the Calendar

Have one calendar dedicated to tasks, or schedule tasks across different calendars.

Linear, Meet Your New Daily Planner

Time block to protect your time

Because Morgen integrates all your calendars, you can realistically plan all your issues in your calendar, taking into account your other commitments.

Morgen gives you the flexibility to adapt your plan easily - add extra time blocks for complex issues, extend work sessions, or drag them to another time.‍
Add Linear issues to your calendar to block time for focused work.

Frequently asked questions

What calendars can I use with the Linear integration?
Any calendar you connect in Morgen, can be used to schedule Linear issues.
Even if you use Outlook at work and Fastmail for your side hustle, you can schedule Linear issues across all of these.
We recommend you select a default calendar for your scheduled issues in the settings. You can then always pick a different calendar destination for individual scheduled issues from Linear or tasks from other integrations.
Which Linear issues will be imported to Morgen?
When you configure your Linear integration, you decide which workspaces to include and which issues should be imported. We recommend you import issues that will benefit from being planned in your calendar.
You can decide whether to import:
- all issues assigned to you
- issues that are not yet started or started only
You can also select which properties and labels from Linear should be displayed in Morgen, so you can see the information you need quickly to help decide what to work on next.
Can I update my Linear issues from Morgen?
You cannot update any Linear properties from Morgen. Priorties, estimates, due dates, cycles, etc. must be updated in Linear. You can jump directly into a specific issue from Morgen making updates quick and easy.
When you mark an issue complete in Morgen, the state will not be updated in Linear, letting you decide when you want to update it.
Is the Linear integration available on all plans?
Morgen task integrations are available to Morgen Pro subscribers and Morgen Pro teams. You can test it during your 14 day free trial to see if it's right for you.
Can we use Morgen + Linear as a team?
You can connect three Linear teams to the Morgen integration. We offer onboarding to teams using Morgen together to ensure your set-up is configured to you.
Teams that use Morgen will have access to shared availability settings to see when one another are available and free, as well as to team workflows such as the team meeting optimizer.
Reach out to if you would like to learn about team onboarding and pricing.

Ready to get started?

Bring Notion together with your calendars, scheduling, and time blocking together.