November 6, 2023
How to
#workflows #meetings

How to use Morgen's Meeting Assistant

Marketing @Morgen

Morgen's Meeting Assistant is designed to help you run more effective meetings. During the first iteration of this assistant, you can deploy it to provide agendas for the meetings you organize. More meeting support is to come in future iterations.

In addition to having at least one calendar connected to Morgen Assist, you will also need to connect your Slack account. Slack is the point of interaction with the workflow, so without it, the Meeting Assistant will not be able to communicate with you.

Note, Morgen Assist works with Google, Outlook, iCloud, and Fastmail Calendars (even if you use Morgen.)

How to set up the Meeting Assistant Workflow

The Meeting Assistant Workflow takes only a minute to set up. Simply:

  • Click on +Create under the Meeting Assistant workflow in your Workflow Gallery.
  • Select which calendars you want the Assistant to look for meetings without agendas.
  • Choose your agenda style, whether you like your agendas to be brief, detailed, or somewhere in the middle (or a similar style to agendas you've created in the past).
  • Connect your Slack account, if you haven't already.
  • Save the workflow. The Assistant is now turned on.

You decide which style of agenda you prefer and whether your past agendas should be used as guide.

How the Agenda Assistant works

As you can see in My Workflows, the Agenda Assistant will now be toggled on.

Now, when you create an event in the selected calendars, if it does not contain an agenda, the assistant will identify it and notify you. You can then decide how to proceed.

Here's what you can expect:

  • You will receive a Slack DM from Morgen letting you know that you have organized a meeting without an agenda.
  • If you would like an agenda generated, respond with a brief description of the meeting.
  • Receive an agenda over Slack based on your description and preferred agenda style.
  • To approve the agenda, answer 'yes'. It will then be added to the event and shared with invitees.
  • To edit the agenda, respond with the edited version. This will then be added to the event and shared with invitees.
  • To reject the agenda, answer 'no'. The event will not be updated and the agenda will be left blank unless you manually change it in the event itself.

Note that only events with at least one invitee will be considered a meeting, and therefore in need of an agenda, in this workflow. Also, you will only be notified of outstanding agendas for meetings that you organize since you have edit permissions on those; you will not be notified when you are an invitee.

How to test the Agenda Assistant

Like all workflows in Morgen Assist, we recommend you test a new workflow once deployed. To do so, simply:

  • Create 3 test events in your calendar and leave the notes section blank. In order for these to be considered meetings, invite at least one person.
  • If you haven't received DMs via Slack (there is often a slight delay), manually trigger Meeting Assistant by clicking Run in My Workflows.
  • In Slack, see your message from the Morgen Bot, identifying which meeting is missing an agenda.
  • Respond with a brief description of the meeting. If the meeting title was descriptive you can simply respond "just follow the title".
  • Accept one agenda, by responding 'yes'. Then check your calendar to see the agenda added to the event.
  • Edit one agenda by responding with the new agenda. Then check your calendar to see your edited agenda added to the event.
  • Decline the final agenda by responding 'no'. Check the event in your calendar to see that the note section remains blank and unchanged.
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