The rundown: Morgen calendar on Product Hunt

With the launch of our mobile app for iOS and Android, Morgen is now the universal time management hub we envisioned.
This marked a massive milestone, one we wanted to scream from the rooftops - and what better rooftop than Product Hunt’s?
Product Hunt is packed with discerning, tech-savvy early adopters. Though it’s an incredibly supportive arena (one need only skim recent discussions to get a feel for the cheerleading and resource-sharing that happens there), Product Hunters don’t shy from delivering hard truths and tough (but oh-so-important) feedback.
What's more, Morgen was far from the first productivity app and scheduler to launch on Product Hunt. We knew that Morgen would be evaluated not just on its experience and features, but also, on how it stacked up against other calendar apps and productivity tools.
Exciting, yes. Stressful, most definitely.
What we heard: Morgen is indispensable
With over 1,100 upvotes (and still growing), Morgen was voted Product of the Day.
What’s more, we were humbled by the number of people who commented on our launch. The Morgen userbase came out in droves, sharing how they manage their time with Morgen and why it’s an indispensable tool in their lives.
It was amazing to hear how Morgen has transformed time management for so many people. Sure, the kudos of winning was great, but knowing that we're creating something of value is even more rewarding. Thank you.
What you want: More integrations, more collaboration
The comments section of our launch page was a treasure trove of feedback. Here’s what topped the list:
1. More workflow integrations: Notion, followed very closely by Trello, were the most requested integrations.

2. Add team-based features: See my team’s availability was the most requested feature, followed closely by shared meeting notes.
3. Build out task-management: Add quick capture and checklists to make the Morgen task manager even more powerful.

You can add your voice to help us prioritize what’s coming next by voting on Morgen’s Roadmap.
What surprised us most
Perhaps the biggest surprise from our launch came a week later. On launch day, a Morgen subscriber jokingly commented that he liked Morgen so much, he would bring us chocolate.

Never a team to take promises of chocolate lightly, we invited Erik to visit the Morgen HQ. Then this happened:
Working in SaaS, we rarely get to meet the people who use Morgen IRL. Opportunities to talk face-to-face, over coffee and chocolate, about how to improve time management are few and far between. This moment will stick with us long after the launch hype fades.
An unforgettable Product Hunt launch
Launching Morgen on Product Hunt surpassed our expectations. We value every comment, from positive testimonials to robust feedback to feature requests. Those comments are providing clarity on where we should focus and continue to evolve Morgen as the leading time management hub.